
    Trending in Vending: 5 Noteworthy Stories

    As with every industry, there's always something changing in vending or news stories worth sharing. New products, technology, and strategies are always being tried and tested. Here are five noteworthy stories from the vending industry.

    Self-Fill or Full-Service Vending: Which Should You Choose?

    When searching for a new vending machine service, you're likely to be presented with a bunch of options. From the many companies to choose from to the flavor choices, there's a decision to make at every step of the way. But the very first decision will be whether or not to choose self-fill or full-service. Certain factors will determine which route is better for your business (e.g. number of employees and customers), but even if you qualify for full-service vending, you might consider self-fill. Here's a quick guide to help you decide.

    Your Most Pressing Vending Machine Questions Answered

    Getting a vending machine for your office is a great way to provide employees and customers with easy access to a variety of beverages and snacks. It's a simple way to keep them refreshed and energized. But before getting vending machines installed, there's usually some questions you want answers to first. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get about vending services.

    What Exactly Is A Healthy Vending Machine?

    Vending machines often get a bad rap. "They're full of junk food," many people say. For a long time, that was an accurate statement. But as eating habits have changed in recent years as many people are more conscious about the foods they consume, the vending industry has upgraded to provide products that align with healthier eating habits. Items that have fewer calories and are lower in sugar are frequently sold through vending machines. 

    5 Things To Look For In Quality Vending Machine Services

    When considering to implement an on-site vending program, choosing the right supplier can feel a bit overwhelming. It seems like there are as many vending companies to choose from as there are products. How do you know which ones are good? Which one will best fit your needs? Here are five things to consider when searching for quality vending services.

    The Vending Machine Charged Me Twice! Now What?

    The vending machine charged me twice! Now, what do I do??

    Have you been charged twice for an item you purchased from a vending machine? We can help explain. 

    Notice of Data Breach from Avanti Markets

     On July 4th, 2017 Avanti Markets discovered malware that exposed credit card transactions for any kiosks using old MSR credit card reader technology.

    How To Create A Company Break Room Your Employees Will Love



    The employee break room is an integral part of the modern workplace. Employees spend plenty of their waking hours in the office, and they need a place to go where they can clear their minds for a few moments after a stressful meeting or phone call.

    According to a 2014 survey by Staples, 86% of employees feel that taking breaks throughout the workday improves their productivity. The same survey found that 59% suggested that regular breaks increased work satisfaction. Why not provide an environment for your employees that helps foster productivity and happiness?

    Apartment Complex Vending Machines: Where to Find Them & Is Your Property a Good Fit?

    Contemplating the idea of vending machines at your apartment building but worrying about their effectiveness? Managed vending machine service can come in handy in many residential places, allowing you residents and staff to snack on tasty treats, sip on some drinks, or even do laundry.

    How Much Caffeine in a Can of Coke? Reducing Caffeine Intake

    Caffeine molecule

    Caffeine is a part of many people's daily lives. 54% of Americans drink coffee in the morning for that extra jolt to get them going and out the door on time (usually). Office coffee is super convenient and can help boost productivity, but how much caffeine are you consuming? And, more importantly, is it too much?