
    Why You Should Include Bottled Water in Your Vending Machine

    For most people, the mere mention of vending machines likely conjures up images of Coke and Pepsi beverages or rows of chips and candy. But as consumers lean more towards healthier options, you'll need to rethink the products you choose for the vending machines in your office. 

    5 Coca Cola Drink Products You Didn't Expect

    Coca-Cola is one of the world's most recognizable brands. Their products are everywhere. At the grocery store, stadiums,  restaurants...and let's not forget about the bazillion Coke vending machines out there. 

    10 Sodas You've Probably Never Heard About But Need To Try

    When someone says they'd like an ice-cold, fizzy soda, you probably immediately think of the big names, like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and all the various brands and flavors those companies produce.

    How Much Caffeine in a Can of Coke? Reducing Caffeine Intake

    Caffeine molecule

    Caffeine is a part of many people's daily lives. 54% of Americans drink coffee in the morning for that extra jolt to get them going and out the door on time (usually). Office coffee is super convenient and can help boost productivity, but how much caffeine are you consuming? And, more importantly, is it too much?