
    The Best Back-to-School Snacks for This Fall: Vending Machines in Schools

    [fa icon="clock-o"] Sep 27, 2024 11:21:46 AM [fa icon="user"] Vending Group [fa icon="folder-open'] Vending Management, Products, Vending Machines

    Back-to-school is here, and back-to-school snacks are probably at the top of my mind! We know this time of year can be stressful for kids, parents, teachers, administrators, and all involved in the education process. That’s why back-to-school snacks need to be as easy as possible! We don’t just mean kids’ snacks, either. Everybody wants something delicious and nutritious at school, regardless of their role!

    Nutrition is brain food and provides an energy boost for the brain. What we consume contributes directly to holding or remembering thoughts, directing attention, and clearing the mind. Just like an engine cannot run without the required fuel, the body, especially the brain, requires various types of nutrition to function properly. This is more important after intensive sessions or learning or even playing when energy becomes depleted and the body needs an energy injection! 

    Snacking is a great way to provide the brain with the necessary nutrients to enhance cognitive function and regulate mood over the short and long term. Back-to-school snacks that provide carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins are critical to cognitive performance. Specifically, carbohydrates help focus energy, while proteins are useful in facilitating neurotransmitters’ cell communications. Good fats like those found in nuts and seeds help with overall brain development, while B vitamins, iron, and magnesium greatly enhance our ability to concentrate! It’s all about what you put in to get the right outputs!

    In between classes, students may not even have the luxury of time for lunch, meaning healthy back-to-school snacks are critical. Students are busy, running around the school buildings between classes, and some are somewhat disorganized. However, to address this concern, many schools have adopted the concept of healthy eating and turned vending machines into sources of balanced meals that include healthy snacks, fruits, and drinks throughout the halls. 

    These machines help a lot of students to remain active and attentive during class without spending too much time in line waiting to be served in the cafeteria or leaving campus to get a quick bite.

    Related Content: Vending Machine for Schools: Healthy Food for Your District


    Importance of Healthy Back-to-School Snacks

    While it may seem like a somewhat frivolous topic, healthy back-to-school snacks are incredibly important for students’ success! Well-balanced snacks provide a reasonable amount of energy, allowing students to remain alert throughout the long day of school. 

    Snacking on sugary foods may bring a sugar rush, but they don’t work for the long term. They contribute to the awful afternoon slump, which causes students to feel tired, and moody, and kills concentration levels. Well-balanced back-to-school snacks such as nuts, yogurt, or whole grain cereal bars help to maintain blood sugar levels and cognitive function over longer periods.

    Ideal Back-to-School Snacks: Important Qualities

    When it comes to back-to-school snacks, some qualities should be at the top of my mind. They need to be nutritious, convenient, portable, and filling! That is why when selecting snacks for students who are heading back to school, several characteristics are very important. 

    First of all, snacks must be healthy—filled with vitamins and minerals, useful components that keep people awake during the day. Whether it is an apple, a protein bar, crackers, or any other food that a child wants to grab before going to class or during break, the food must have nutritional value to allow them to get the most value out of their lessons.

    Back-to-school snacks don’t just need to be healthy, they need to be easy to transport. Students have many activities going on throughout the day and therefore the need to have easy-to-prepare and carry snacks between classes is critical. Finally, the best snacks should be filling to allow people to last until their next meal. Proteins and fiber together with healthy fats ensure kids can stay full as long as needed. 

    Nutritional value, convenience, portability, and satiety are all important for everyone involved! Students and teachers alike need healthy snacks with those qualities, and your vending service provider can help make it a reality and ensure overall academic success.

    Top 10 Back-to-School Vending Machine Snacks

    Here are some of our favorite back-to-school snacks that we know kids, parents, and teachers all love!

    Nut Mixes

    Nut mixes are perfect for students’ snacking needs! They encapsulate complete proteins, fats, and fibers, and are easy to carry around during the school day. They are also easy to share with classmates!

    Protein Bars

    Protein bars that are packed with nutrients require a little more time to digest. This helps young learners stave off hunger for the long haul towards the end of the day before dinner time. Most protein bars have improved nutritional content and can be quite filling!


    Popcorn is a great option to fill a hungry belly during the school day! As a back-to-school snack, popcorn checks all the boxes. It’s full grain, light, easy to carry, and sweet or savory. Either as a snack or as a meal, this back-to-school snack is light in calories but leaves people feeling saturated. 

    Granola Bars

    Granola bars are one of the healthier snack options. They tend to include oats, nuts, and sometimes fruits or chocolates. They are also easy to move around and can be stashed in a backpack or lunch box easily. Granola bars also tend to have an equal carbohydrate-to-protein ratio, giving a quick burst of energy while also maintaining long-term energy.

    Fruit Snacks

    Fruit snacks are great for kids who may be more on the picky side when it comes to back-to-school snacks. They give the necessary touch of sweetness without being unhealthy at the same time. Some options are made from real fruit and may have additional vitamins, making students’ recharging experience all the more enjoyable.


    Pretzels are low-fat products that provide a satisfying crispy crunch when eaten. They are very easy to prepare and perfect to be served together with cheese or hummus for what could even be considered a small meal.

    Yogurt Pouches

    Yogurt pouches are super easy to pack in a book bag! They provide protein and calcium, and they also usually satisfy a sweet tooth. Yogurt’s probiotic capabilities are excellent for gut health, and their liquid consistency can also help with students’ hydration.

    Veggie Chips

    If one wants to shift a bit from the regular chips there are healthier versions called veggie chips which are made from veggies such as sweet potatoes, beets, and kale among others. They are packed with vitamins and fiber that are essential for our bodies while at the same time satisfying that savory craving.

    Cheese and Crackers

    Cheese and crackers are a no-brainer! Cheese portions that are pre-packaged are easy to grab out of a vending machine and make cheese and crackers quite appealing when eaten alone as a satisfying midday snack.

    Trail Mix

    Trail mix combines nuts, seeds, and dried fruits with herbs, candy, and chocolate or yogurt-coated pieces to serve as a healthy and tasty delicacy. The combination of textures makes it a student’s favorite for mid-day back-to-school snacks.

    Why Schools Should Consider Healthy Back-to-School Snack Vending Machines

    Making healthy food options readily accessible for students, teachers, administrators, and even parents is so important for our education system’s success! Society places a lot of pressure on parents to provide the perfect lunch or back-to-school snacks, but with the right vending solutions in schools, some of that pressure can be alleviated. When schools provide healthy back-to-school snacks, they are helping the community at large!

    Schools have a unique role in helping educate students not just academically but also nutritionally. Schools are agencies that can help young people change their health status, and provide healthy options that may not even be available at home. 

    Plus, nutrition and performance are intrinsically linked. Good back-to-school snacks should be nutrient-filled to help students focus on their daily tasks and learn from the time they are spending at school. With proper nutrition at their fingertips, students will learn more and achieve more overall. 

    Incorporating healthy vending machine options in schools benefits not only students but also parents and educators. Schools can help improve student performance, enhance overall well-being, and support lifelong healthy behaviors by promoting nutritious eating habits. It’s a small step with big rewards for the entire school community.

    Are you ready to incorporate national vending services in your school system? We’re here to help!

    Vending Group

    Written by Vending Group