
    3 Ways to Keep Your Hotel Pre-Opening Plan on Track

    So much depends on a hotel pre-opening plan that owners and operators can't afford to ignore it. It directly impacts not only the grand opening, but the future operational success of the hotel as well. For hotel management groups juggling multiple projects at once, it becomes critical to have a pre-opening plan to avoid disaster.

    5 Ways Hotel Operations Benefit from Vending Management

    Managing hotel operations is sort of like juggling knives while walking on a tightrope blind folded. Just when you get a handle on one thing, two more get tossed in the air. One misstep and everything spirals out of control quickly.

    Should Your Hotel Use Vending Machines or a Pantry Market

    The only constant is change. If there's an industry that this mantra applies to best it's hotel management. Keeping up with the constant demands of the ever-so-fickle traveler is a real challenge. You can never know for certain if making a decision based on consumer trends will lead to success or failure until after you've made it. Take, for example, the rise in popularity of hotel pantries. In lieu of vending machines, many managers have fit these mini convenience markets into the design of their lobby so guests can easily grab a snack during their stay. But should your hotel jump on board? Will vending machines no longer be a viable option for hotels? Below are the pros and cons of both approaches to snacks and beverages to help you decide which is best for your hotel.

    3 Challenges Facing Hospitality and How Procurement Can Help

    Constant changes in procurement these days in any industry requires a high degree of agility if an organization wants to stay competitive. In hospitality and hotel management, guest preferences force hotel procurement departments to stay abreast of multiple trends at once. Not keeping pace can only spell bad news for your hotel(s) and impact them in a variety of ways, namely revenue. Here are three challenges hotels are up against and how procurement teams can help.