
    Trending in Vending: 5 Noteworthy Stories

    As with every industry, there's always something changing in vending or news stories worth sharing. New products, technology, and strategies are always being tried and tested. Here are five noteworthy stories from the vending industry.

    What Are Vend Misers and How Do They Work?

    For companies actively seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint, vend misers are a great element to incorporate into an energy savings strategy. These devices, once affixed to your vending machine(s), can yield significant savings and energy reduction.

    3 Ways to Maintain Consistency Across Multiple Locations

    Consistency in business is vital to success. It helps keep an organization focused on its goals. Large companies, particularly those with multiple locations, often find it more challenging to maintain consistency as the distance between field locations and corporate headquarters can muddle the implementation of strategic initiatives set forth by senior executives. To ignore the need for consistent processes and frameworks within your organization is to invite confusion and misalignment. Here are three ways to maintain consistency to help keep your company focused on its goals.

    Connected Vending Machines: What They are and Why They Matter

    It seems as though everything is connected to the internet these days. Name a device that isn't. Pretty difficult, right? Everything from thermostats to TVs to garage door openers has some form of online functionality. Even vending machines can connect to the internet. That's the world we live in. The world of the Internet of things, or IoT.

    Should Your Hotel Use Vending Machines or a Pantry Market

    The only constant is change. If there's an industry that this mantra applies to best it's hotel management. Keeping up with the constant demands of the ever-so-fickle traveler is a real challenge. You can never know for certain if making a decision based on consumer trends will lead to success or failure until after you've made it. Take, for example, the rise in popularity of hotel pantries. In lieu of vending machines, many managers have fit these mini convenience markets into the design of their lobby so guests can easily grab a snack during their stay. But should your hotel jump on board? Will vending machines no longer be a viable option for hotels? Below are the pros and cons of both approaches to snacks and beverages to help you decide which is best for your hotel.

    4 Reasons to Use a Vending Management Company

    Vending management does not immediately resonate in the minds of most people as would other, more familiar B2B procurement solutions. The sourcing of raw materials and indirect spend categories such as facility maintenance are far more recognizable. Vending machine services just aren't typically of grave concern to most organizations. At least not at the corporate level. But should they be?

    Trending in Vending: 5 Noteworthy Stories

    As with every industry, there's always something changing in vending or news stories worth sharing. New products, technology, and strategies are always being tried and tested. Here are five noteworthy stories from the vending industry.

    How to Manage Staff and Locations From A Distance

    Managing multiple locations and staff from a distance presents itself with unique challenges. Not being physically present for employees or readily available to help with a pressing issue adds a layer of difficulty to being a manager. 

    Vending Machine Options For Any Time Of Day

    While vending machines can  only offer a limited amount of products, a good vending service will provide snack and beverage options that will suffice for morning, noon, and night. If you find yourself having to skip a meal, here are some products to choose from to get you through any time of the day.

    Vary the Product Selection in Your Vending Machines

    The whole point of having vending machines in your workplace is to offer a variety of snacks and beverages for employees or customers. When you get vending equipment installed, the last thing you want to do is stock them with products that nobody likes or not have enough variety among the selections. In short, your vending machines should be as diverse as your employees and customer's tastes. Be sure to provide items from these five categories when deciding what you want to have stocked in your vending machines.