
    How To Remove Soda Stains

    [fa icon="clock-o"] Aug 2, 2016 8:00:00 PM [fa icon="user"] Vending Group

    Soda stains. We've all encountered them at some point. Whether it's on your nicely pressed white shirt or on your carpet after having a party, soda stains are a nuisance. But they can be treated. Follow the steps below to remove soda stains.

    How to Remove Soda Stains from Your Clothes

    Soda stain on white shirt

    It's a busy day in the office and you don't have time for lunch. You barely have time to grab a soda and snack from the vending machine, but it's all you can do. Then, while sitting in another meeting, you accidentally spill soda on your shirt. What to do? The short answer: wipe it off with a wet paper towel to get all the sugar off your shirt. That's what will really stain it. But take these measures and you'll be set.

    1. Soak up excess soda to keep it from spreading.

    2. Blot the stain with a wet cloth or paper towel.

    3. Pretreat the area with stain remover.

    4. Launder with warm water.

    How to Remove Soda Stains from Carpets

    Removing soda stains from carpets

    Holiday parties, birthday parties, just-for-fun parties...whatever the ocassion, it seems as though there's always a spill on the carpet. Here's how to remove the stain:

    1. Blot the stain with a wet cloth using water and dish soap.

    2. Spray the area with a vinegar and water solution.

    3. Blot the area again with a dry cloth.

    4. Repeat with the vinegar and water until stain is gone.

    Just remember: the most important thing to do is remove all the sugar where the soda spilled. If any of it remains, it will eventually turn yellow and it won't be able to be cleaned.







    Vending Group

    Written by Vending Group