
    How to Rollout a New Vendor Program Successfully

    [fa icon="clock-o"] Oct 12, 2017 9:59:02 AM [fa icon="user"] Vending Group

    ensure successful roll out of new programs and proceduresThe rollout of a new vendor program for your organization is a big deal and often met with mixed feelings.

    On one hand, it's exciting. You've spent weeks or even months negotiating an agreement with a supplier and now you're ready to implement their service. On the other hand, it can be scary.  There's a lot at stake, so what will happen if it doesn't work out as expected?

    In our experience of rolling out national vending programs, we've learned the importance of having the right steps in place to provide a smooth transition into our service. Here are four ways to ensure a successful rollout of a new policy or program.

    4 Quick Tips to a Successful Rollout

    1. Create A Plan

    The rollout of a new vendor program for your company usually doesn't happen over night. Several key steps will take place until the program is up and running.

    As you get ready for implementing the service, get all the information from the supplier you can about what will take place when, and which party will be responsible for each aspect of the rollout. 

    2. Communicate with Key Personnel

    Be sure to keep all employees who will be directly effected by the new program informed. Let managers know not only what will happen, but who, where, when, how, and (perhaps most importantly) why the change is being made.

    The more information your properties and employees have about any significant change in operations the better. In order for a successful rollout, everyone needs to be on the same page.

    communicate with employees about new programs and procedures

    3. Provide Training

    If the new program you're rolling out has a lot of technical elements, it's essential to educate employees on how to use the product or service. A delay in the full implementation can occur without proper training, as the rollout can become muddled in chaos and confusion.

    You're better off taking time up front to educate everyone than fielding dozens or hundreds of phone calls and emails from managers who are struggling with the new service.

    Pro Tip: Even with adequate training, create strategy to deal with questions for the first couple of months. There will likely be some problems or questions to flesh out, so be prepared to help. 

    4. Monitor Progress

    Once you've rolled out the new program, analyze important metrics and keep track of how employees are using the new service or procedures. Use feedback to make adjustments if necessary.

    Rolling out a new vendor program is rarely as simple as pressing a button. Change can be difficult, especially when you're not prepared. Be sure to create a plan and maintain constant communication with key personnel to ensure a smooth rollout of your new vendor program.


    Vending Group

    Written by Vending Group